Combined study and practice stays for engineers from developing countries (KOSPIE) – Tunisia

Consortium around ivESK wins KOSPIE seats for Tunisian PFE students

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has launched a new program for Combined Study and Practics Stays for Engineers from Developing Countries (KOSPIE) for PFE students from Tunisia. Together with other institutes at or around ivESK, 6 fully funded seats are available per year for 2026 till 2028.

Please find detailed information here: project description.

For information concerning application requirements and application procedure please follow the link: DAAD Sholarship Database


Faculties participating in the exchange programme and degree courses offered:

In this first round, the Department of Electrical Engineering, Medical Engineering and Computer Science (EMI) is the main driver of the application. It includes the support of the largest three research institutes of Offenburg University.

Institute of Machine Learning and Analytics

  • https://imla.hs-offenburg.de   
  • scientific advisor for KOSPIE: Prof. Dr. Stefan Hensel
    • Development and application of machine vision algorithms, in particular with a focus on deep neural networks. 
    • Applications of robotic handling systems in combination with camera-based surface control. 
    • Development and application of algorithms for highly automated driving, in particular machine learning in the field of environment perception, multimodal data fusion and navigation. 
    • Mapping and localization of mobile robot systems using optical methods, with a focus on 3D laser scanners and camera systems

Institute of Reliable Embedded Systems and Communication Electronics

  • https://ivesk.hs-offenburg.de
  • scientific advisor for KOSPIE: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Sikora
    • IoT-Security: Architectures, systems and applications for the secure Internet of Things (IoT), in particular for adaptive and self-learning processes using machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) 
    • 6G: Test solutions for real-time capable, data secure and reliable IoT systems, especially with regard to 6G systems

Institute of Sustainable Energy

  • https://ines.hs-offenburg.de 
  • scientific advisor for KOSPIE: Prof. Dr. Michael Schmidt
    • Final theses in connection with current research activities in the six research groups of the Institute for Sustainable Energy Systems (INES) at Offenburg University of Applied Sciences with a thematic focus on electromobility, process technology for photovoltaics and biomass, storage technologies, energy management and energy system analysis, energy-efficient building technologies, intelligent energy networks 
    • Development of energy management solutions for integrated energy systems and microgrids (grid connected and island operation); provision of energy flexibility; grid simulations